Organic Coffee: What You Should Know

Organic Coffee: What You Should Know

Jan. 10, 2019. TEQUESTA, FL In the modern world, people are very aware of how our food and beverage choices impact our health, vitality, and longevity. As a coffee lover, you are no doubt aware of all the research that shows that coffee has numerous health benefits. Yet you might be unsure about exactly what organic coffee is and whether it is actually any better than non-organic coffee. Here is what you should know.

Is Organic Coffee Farmed Without Pesticides?

No. “Organic” can be loosely defined as “natural,” and there is a plethora of organic pesticides on the market. Organic coffee cannot be treated with synthetic pesticides, but natural pesticides can be just as harmful to the environment. Do some more research rather than assuming that “organic” means “eco-friendlier” or “safer.”

Is Non-Organic Coffee Farmed with Synthetic Pesticides?

Not necessarily. While non-organic coffee growers *can* use synthetic pesticides, many choose natural methods instead. In fact, coffee that is grown in rich rainforest soil or high up on an inaccessible mountainside may not have a pest problem at all. When pest management is a concern, many high-end coffee growers choose eco-friendly, integrated pest management solutions that do not require chemicals.

Is Organic Coffee Higher Quality Than Non-Organic Coffee?

It depends. Coffee quality is based on numerous factors, such as the elevation and soil in which it is grown, the harvesting and processing techniques, the roasting process, the coffee’s freshness, the quality of the water in which is brewed, and so on. There are meticulous and sloppy organic coffee farmers, just like there are meticulous and sloppy non-organic coffee farmers. At Oceana Coffee Roasters, we consider the entire growing and harvesting process when choosing our coffee bean providers, and whether a particular coffee is organic or non-organic is just one small part of the decision.

Does Organic Coffee Require a Separate Roaster?

To sell roasted coffee as organic, roasting companies must either use a separate roaster for organic beans or thoroughly clean the roaster after each batch of non-organic coffee. This makes it challenging for small roasters to sell both organic and non-organic coffees, but as we have proven at Ocean Coffee Roasters, it is entirely possible. We take our job seriously, and we are committed to providing you with the product you want, whether it is organic or non-organic.

Organic labeling matters for some types of food, such as produce. In coffee, though, the way the beans are grown, harvested, and handled matters far more. Stick to small batch roasters who are committed to providing only the very best, and you are sure to enjoy your coffee, regardless of its label.

Ready to Get Started?

If you are in the market for single origin specialty coffee from a small-batch roaster you can trust, contact Oceana Coffee Roasters today at (561) 401-2453 to learn more or order your coffee.

Oceana Coffee is not officially certified Organic but we will be pursuing our USDA Organic certification in 2019.

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